We’re here to provide you with more information or help answer any questions you might have. Send us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Colour by Univar Solutions
Univar Colour was originally founded in 1955 as DF Anstead and since 2003 has been part of Univar, the world’s leading chemical distributor.
Focussing on the supply of colour to 4 focused industry groups (Personal Care, Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical, Food and Coatings & Construction), Univar Colour has a global distribution network which ensures that we can meet our customers’ demands no matter where they are in the world.
In spite of the many changes in the 60 years + since the company’s conception, Univar Colour has maintained its core values throughout and to this day continues to look at ways of saving our customers time and money through improved processing and innovation.
Univar Colour prides itself on being solution orientated, and through its bespoke blends can provide consistent quality, reliability and proven cost benefits when supplying Our Colours…Your Way!
Colour by Univar Solutions
Our Colours... Your Way!
Univar Colour was originally founded in 1955 as DF Anstead and since 2003 has been part of Univar, the world’s leading chemical distributor.
Focussing on the supply of colour to 4 focused industry groups (Personal Care, Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical, Food and Coatings & Construction), Univar Colour has a global distribution network which ensures that we can meet our customers’ demands no matter where they are in the world.
In spite of the many changes in the 60 years + since the company’s conception, Univar Colour has maintained its core values throughout and to this day continues to look at ways of saving our customers time and money through improved processing and innovation.
Univar Colour prides itself on being solution orientated, and through its bespoke blends can provide consistent quality, reliability and proven cost benefits when supplying Our Colours…Your Way!

Find out more...

Social Responsibility
Stance On Child Labour
Univar Colour does not work with raw materials originating from companies who condone the use of child labour. Our thorough supplier validation process includes cross checks in this area.
No To Animal Testing
We understand the importance of offering cruelty-free products to your customers. If this is an important moral stance for your business please contact us for more information about our product portfolio. Univar Colour does not conduct any animal testing on our pigments and dyes.
Cultural & Ethical Requirements
As a bespoke colour blender we are able to take into consideration your cultural and ethical requirements, we have vegan friendly and kosher & halal approved colours within our portfolio. Reach out to a member of the team for more information.

Personal Care Colours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas efficitur venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin est massa, commodo vel congue et, vestibulum sit amet ex. Vestibulum vitae pretium neque, at blandit sem. Morbi nisl neque, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque et, euismod id ante. Duis turpis massa, vehicula non dolor ac, condimentum commodo urna. Vivamus id mi quis tortor interdum tincidunt. Nulla tempor dolor in velit placerat vestibulum. Mauris sed varius ligula.
Colour Cosmetics
Oral Care
Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Colours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas efficitur venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin est massa, commodo vel congue et, vestibulum sit amet ex. Vestibulum vitae pretium neque, at blandit sem. Morbi nisl neque, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque et, euismod id ante. Duis turpis massa, vehicula non dolor ac, condimentum commodo urna. Vivamus id mi quis tortor interdum tincidunt. Nulla tempor dolor in velit placerat vestibulum. Mauris sed varius ligula.
Solid Dose
Sachets & Syrups
Gelatin Capsules
Oral Care

Food Colours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas efficitur venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin est massa, commodo vel congue et, vestibulum sit amet ex. Vestibulum vitae pretium neque, at blandit sem. Morbi nisl neque, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque et, euismod id ante. Duis turpis massa, vehicula non dolor ac, condimentum commodo urna. Vivamus id mi quis tortor interdum tincidunt. Nulla tempor dolor in velit placerat vestibulum. Mauris sed varius ligula.
Food & Beverage
Coatings & Construction Colours
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas efficitur venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin est massa, commodo vel congue et, vestibulum sit amet ex. Vestibulum vitae pretium neque, at blandit sem. Morbi nisl neque, pellentesque sit amet scelerisque et, euismod id ante. Duis turpis massa, vehicula non dolor ac, condimentum commodo urna. Vivamus id mi quis tortor interdum tincidunt. Nulla tempor dolor in velit placerat vestibulum. Mauris sed varius ligula.

Social Responsibility

Stance On Child Labour
Univar Colour does not work with raw materials originating from companies who condone the use of child labour. Our thorough supplier validation process includes cross checks in this area.

No To Animal Testing
We understand the importance of offering cruelty-free products to your customers. If this is an important moral stance for your business please contact us for more information about our product portfolio. Univar Colour does not conduct any animal testing on our pigments and dyes.

Cultural & Ethical Requirements
As a bespoke colour blender we are able to take into consideration your cultural and ethical requirements, we have vegan friendly and kosher & halal approved colours within our portfolio. Reach out to a member of the team for more information.

REACH Compliance
Quality and Regulatory
REACH is the European Union's regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH affects the chemical industry and all users, including a large part of Europe’s industry and retail businesses.
Univar has been involved in the REACH process for several years including working with the FECC, a European association of the chemical distribution and trading industry, as well as local industry federations to develop more practical and effective legislation. We will continue to push for its efficient implementation.
By helping to define the rules, Univar is uniquely placed to monitor, advise and manage REACH compliance for our customers.
As the May 2018 deadline approached, Univar Colour was in regular consultation with our suppliers confirming their support and commitment for the products we needed to qualify under REACH. We achieved our goal which was for all of the colour portfolio to be Reach compliant in time for the 31st May 2018 deadline.
Univar Colour has a team of dedicated technical and laboratory staff based in our UK facility, who focus solely on colour solutions for our customers. Because we are part of the Univar organisation, our in-house expertise is underpinned by a wealth of quality & regulatory knowledge from our EMEA wide team.
We know that industry demands are constantly changing from a regulatory and compliance perspective, we work with you every step of the way, understanding where in the world your products will be test marketed and ultimately commercialised. Sharing knowledge ensures that the colours selected are suitable for your specific requirements.
As you would expect, our onsite analytics and documented processes follow right through from the product development lab to full-scale production.

Quality and Regulatory
Univar Colour has a team of dedicated technical and laboratory staff based in our UK facility, who focus solely on colour solutions for our customers. Because we are part of the Univar organisation, our in-house expertise is underpinned by a wealth of quality & regulatory knowledge from our EMEA wide team.
We know that industry demands are constantly changing from a regulatory and compliance perspective, we work with you every step of the way, understanding where in the world your products will be test marketed and ultimately commercialised. Sharing knowledge ensures that the colours selected are suitable for your specific requirements.
As you would expect, our onsite analytics and documented processes follow right through from the product development lab to full-scale production.

REACH Compliance
REACH is the European Union's regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH affects the chemical industry and all users, including a large part of Europe’s industry and retail businesses.
Univar has been involved in the REACH process for several years including working with the FECC, a European association of the chemical distribution and trading industry, as well as local industry federations to develop more practical and effective legislation. We will continue to push for its efficient implementation.
By helping to define the rules, Univar is uniquely placed to monitor, advise and manage REACH compliance for our customers.
As the May 2018 deadline approached, Univar Colour was in regular consultation with our suppliers confirming their support and commitment for the products we needed to qualify under REACH. We achieved our goal which was for all of the colour portfolio to be Reach compliant in time for the 31st May 2018 deadline.
For a REACH update on a specific colour please contact us here.

Social Responsibility
A Partner You Can Trust
You can be assured that you are working with a partner who will respect your needs, whether that be Halal or Kosher certified colours or guidance about colours which can be used in cruelty-free products, we can recommend pigments, dyes & colour blends which are fully compliant.
Child Labour
Univar takes a strong stance against forced or compulsory labour and child labour across our operations and our value chain. Although we recognize that slavery and child labour exist throughout the world, we are confident that our ethical labor policies and compliance with local and international laws mean that all of our operations are at low risk of these practices taking place. We are developing our supply chain engagement continually to engage more suppliers on this issue, communicating Univar’s zero tolerance policy and assessing associated risks with new and existing suppliers. We continue to enhance our due diligence to prevent modern slavery through our value chain.
Kimya Mühendisi Kazım Kaleağası tarafından Henkel’in Marmara Bölge bayisi olarak kuruldu.
Kale Kimya was founded by Chemical Engineer KazIm Kaleağası as Henkel’s Marmara Region distributor.
1997 - Gümrük Birliği / Customs Union
Türkiye’nin Gümrük Birliğine girmesiyle Kale Kimya dünya çapındaki lider kimya firmalarıyla distribütörlük antlaşmaları yapılmaya başlandı.
Due to Turkey’s entry into the Customs Union, new distribution agreements were made with the worldwide leading chemical companies.
İlk laboratuvarımız kuruldu.
The laboratory facility was launched.
2002 - ISO 9001:2000
Grup şirketleri ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi sertifikasını almaya hak kazandı.
The group of companies are certified by the Quality Mangement System ISO 9001:2015.
2004 - Kale Kimya Grubu / Kale Kimya Group
Tüm şirketler KALE KiMYA GRUBU adı altında Şekerpınar’ da 12.000 m2 alanda toplandı.
The group companies are gathered under the name of KALE KIMYA GROUP at the new headquarter office is located in Sekerpinar with.
2008 - Üretim / Production
Pilot Üretim tesisi kuruldu. Tubitak ve Koskep projeleri başladı.
The pilot plant was established and t projects with Tubitak and Koskep have started.
2015 - Fabri̇ka / Factory
Düzce Sanayi Bölgesinde ki fabrikada üretime başlandı.
The production was launched in the new factory in Duzce Industrial Zone.
2016 - Dubai - Chemea
Ortadoğu pazarı için JAFZA da ofis ve depolama kuruldu.
For MEA market, the oflice and warehouse was established in JAFZA.
2017 - Arge Merkezi̇ / R&D Research Center
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 567. ARGE Merkezi olundu.
Kale Kimya was entitled to be the 567th R&D Center in Turkey.
2020 - Yeni̇ Fabri̇ka / New Factory
GOSB da kapasite arttırımı için yeni yatırım başladı
To increase capacity, new factory investment started at GOSB
2023 - Univar Solutions
Univar Solutions tarafından satın alındı
Acquired by Univar Solutions
Kimya Mühendisi Kazım Kaleağası tarafından Henkel’in Marmara Bölge bayisi olarak kuruldu.
Kale Kimya was founded by Chemical Engineer KazIm Kaleağası as Henkel’s Marmara Region distributor.
1997 - Gümrük Birliği / Customs Union
Türkiye’nin Gümrük Birliğine girmesiyle Kale Kimya dünya çapındaki lider kimya firmalarıyla distribütörlük antlaşmaları yapılmaya başlandı.
Due to Turkey’s entry into the Customs Union, new distribution agreements were made with the worldwide leading chemical companies.
İlk laboratuvarımız kuruldu.
The laboratory facility was launched.
2002 - ISO 9001:2000
Grup şirketleri ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi sertifikasını almaya hak kazandı.
The group of companies are certified by the Quality Mangement System ISO 9001:2015.
2004 - Kale Kimya Grubu / Kale Kimya Group
Tüm şirketler KALE KiMYA GRUBU adı altında Şekerpınar’ da 12.000 m2 alanda toplandı.
The group companies are gathered under the name of KALE KIMYA GROUP at the new headquarter office is located in Sekerpinar with.
2008 - Üretim / Production
Pilot Üretim tesisi kuruldu. Tubitak ve Koskep projeleri başladı.
The pilot plant was established and t projects with Tubitak and Koskep have started.
2015 - Fabri̇ka / Factory
Düzce Sanayi Bölgesinde ki fabrikada üretime başlandı.
The production was launched in the new factory in Duzce Industrial Zone.
2016 - Dubai - Chemea
Ortadoğu pazarı için JAFZA da ofis ve depolama kuruldu.
For MEA market, the oflice and warehouse was established in JAFZA.
2017 - Arge Merkezi̇ / R&D Research Center
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 567. ARGE Merkezi olundu.
Kale Kimya was entitled to be the 567th R&D Center in Turkey.
2020 - Yeni̇ Fabri̇ka / New Factory
GOSB da kapasite arttırımı için yeni yatırım başladı
To increase capacity, new factory investment started at GOSB
2023 - Univar Solutions
Univar Solutions tarafından satın alındı
Acquired by Univar Solutions
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