person applying an electronical board to a circuitperson applying an electronical board to a circuit

Chemical supply for electronics manufacturers

How partnering with Univar Solutions benefits you
Our specialists are committed to excellence and have the technical knowledge to help you find the right chemical solutions. We offer a wide spectrum of specialized products and services to enhance efficiency, quality, and sustainability.

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    Advanced electronic solutions for battery and semiconductor manufacturing

    Modern electronics manufacturing requires a thorough understanding of technology, supply chain management, quality control, and regulation complexities. Companies must stay updated with the latest advancements in electronic materials, product development, and automation tools to remain competitive while meeting consumer demands in a fast-paced global industry. 

    Univar Solutions understands how electronics are manufactured and the importance of meeting industry standards with high-quality products and cost-effective solutions. We're a trusted partner throughout the electronics industry, providing specialized chemical distribution services for battery and semiconductor manufacturing. 

    Browse beauty & personal care products by function

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    Beauty & personal care innovations

    Beauty knows no boundaries
    Discover our genderless beauty line that includes everything, inclusive formulas with textures, performance, and benefits for everyone looking to upgrade their beauty wardrobe.
    Explore: No boundaries kit
    Metaverse is the new universe
    Are you ready to enter the beautyverse? Learn how the metaverse and will change the beauty and personal care industry for brands, products, and consumers.
    Explore: Metaverse kit
    Forever impressions
    Discover Forever Impressions – enjoy these formulations curated for your region that encourage play, while promoting best in class sustainable solutions - available in EMEA.
    Explore: Forever impressions kit

    Explore electronics manufacturing chemicals and other specialized offerings 

    By collaborating with world-class electronics raw material suppliers, Univar Solutions offers one of the industry's most expansive chemical and ingredient portfolios. Discover our diverse selection of products and services tailored to the needs of electronic manufacturing services and products: 

    • Battery Solutions: Explore our high-quality chemicals and materials essential for battery manufacturing, from electrolytes to additives.
    • Semiconductor Materials: Find advanced chemicals and solutions for Ultrapure Water treatment (UPW) and Wastewater treatment (WWT) at your facilities.
    • Process Optimization: We can help streamline your operations by leveraging our expertise in supply chain management for chemicals in electronics and technical support.

    The benefits of choosing Univar Solutions for electronics manufacturing

    • Industry Expertise: With decades of experience, we understand the complexities of electronic manufacturing and provide solutions that meet stringent industry standards.
    • Innovation: Stay ahead with access to cutting-edge electronic component technologies and innovative products that drive efficiency and performance.
    • Global Reach: Leverage our extensive global network to ensure reliable supply chain management and timely delivery.

    Technical Support: Innovating at the intersection of science, technology, and consumer trends, Univar Solutions partners with customers and suppliers to create high-quality products and sustainable formulations that exceed performance expectations.

    person with gloves on holding a electronic chipperson with gloves on holding a electronic chip

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    Bringing you the latest industry insights and specialty chemical and ingredient innovations


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    Beauty & Personal Care Lab Services

    Think of us as your beauty concierge, helping you connect the dots and giving you access to the specialty ingredients and solutions you need to grow. Consider partnering with us and take your product line to the next level.

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    Sustainability in Electronics Manufacturing

    Univar Solutions is committed to driving progress and innovation in the electronics industry. Partnering with our team of specialists unlocks new possibilities for advancement and innovation and can help your business achieve sustainable growth. Together, let's build a brighter future through chemistry and collaboration.

    Sustainability in Beauty and personal care

    Plant-based, renewable ingredients are the future.  Staying true to our commitment to a forward-thinking, ethical, and holistic sustainability journey, we are going beyond traditional distribution to support our efforts to help keep global communities healthy, clean, fed and safe. 

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