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Efficient and environmentally responsible precipitation of heavy metals in wastewater.
EarthTec® Product Overview
Copper Sulfate Reduction
EarthTec can be used to replace copper sulfate. Many customers have been using copper sulfate for years to treat unwanted algal blooms in the late spring and throughout the summer. The problem is copper sulfate crystals sink, so much of the copper is wasted and settles to the bottom. Copper sulfate also requires an extensive labor campaign to apply. EarthTec has none of these drawbacks. EarthTec can be applied in one location and will distribute evenly throughout the body of water. All of the product is immediately bioavailable and toxic to algae. EarthTec does not settle out and is not wasted. Residual EarthTec stays in solution to prevent algae regrowth and is only consumed when met with biological demand. Most customers who switch from traditional copper sulfate crystals (25% Cu) to EarthTec (5% Cu) find that they immediately reduce the amount of copper they are adding to the environment.
Algae Control Problems / Taste and Odor
EarthTec can reduce complaints from customers about the earthy, musty smell of the water. A very low dose of EarthTec will kill algae that is present and prevent it from turning into a much larger problem. Combined with proactive monitoring of blue-green algae levels and yearly lake trends, EarthTec can turn annual taste and odor events into shorter episodes with fewer complaints from your customers.
EarthTec® QZ Product Overview
Kills Zebra and Quagga Mussels
EarthTec QZ is NSF-Certified to ANSI Standard 60 for drinking water, making it one of the most practical approaches available for controlling the spread and infestation of this devastating species. EarthTec QZ can be applied in lakes, reservoirs and pipelines leading to water treatment facilities. It disperses rapidly and is immediately bioavailable. Zebra mussels do not detect it as a threat and readily ingest it. Studies confirm complete mortality within a 48-96 hours. EarthTec QZ is also effective at concentrations that are non-toxic for most fish and other non-target organisms.
Copper 2+, the cupric ion
Thanks to its unique formulation, the copper in EarthTec and EarthTec QZ is kept entirely in the cupric ion form, the only biologically active form of copper. Therefore, it works at a significantly lower copper dose than copper sulfate or chelated copper products. There is virtually no waste or loss to precipitation or settling. EarthTec QZ is environmentally responsible copper for pest control.
Lakes and reservoir
Stops cyanobacteria blooms and HAB (Harmful Algae Bloom)
Kills blue-green algae that cause taste and odor compounds such as geosmin
Municipal water treatment plants, pipelines and intake structures
Can reduce TOC and disinfection byproducts
Pipeline and pumping efficiency
Can reduce taste and odor caused by algae
Eliminates algae from sedimentation basins
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