Tata NQ’s solar-powered factory manufactures industry-leading, naturally derived and non-GMO prebiotic fibers using a proprietary in-house fermentation process.

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Inspired by nature, designed for formulators

Tata NQ’s solar-powered factory manufactures industry-leading, naturally derived and non-GMO prebiotic fibers using a proprietary in-house fermentation process. The products are designed to be formulation friendly and available in both liquid and powder forms. FossenceTM is a provedn prebiotiv fiber made from a nature-inspired process of fermenting cane sugar.

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    A woman creating a heart shape with her hands on her abdomen in front of a backlit orange backgroundA woman creating a heart shape with her hands on her abdomen in front of a backlit orange background

    Did you know our gut has 10 times more microbial cells than the entire human body?

    When the gut microbiome is unhealthy, odds increase that other health factors will come into play. An imbalance within gut bacteria creates more stress in the immune system, which can lead to chronic diseases. Enter prebiotics to help feed healthy gut bacteria and restore equilibrium.

    Prebiotics feed and fuel our healthy gut bacteria to maintain balance, as well as perform the essential fermentation functions our bodies need for peak performance – like increasing probiotics and reducing PH in the colon, resulting in a less acidic gut.

    Probiotics vs Prebiotics: Knowing the difference

    In recent years, both prebiotics and probiotics have seen a surge in popularity with consumers looking for supplements or functional foods that can help them care for their good gut bacteria. But what is the difference and why is it important?

    Probiotics are live beneficial microbial cells that can be ingested orally to compensate for any depletion of good gut bacteria. Probiotics aim to provide additional good bacteria; they do not affect existing good bacteria.

    Prebiotics are fuel for the good gut bacteria, feeding them and allowing them to thrive and grow. Prebiotics are indigestible by humans; their only purpose is to serve as food for the friendly microbes already in our system.  

    While bodies of research support the benefits of both products, recent focus centers on the benefits of prebiotics and how they can be incorporated into functional foods and supplements to support several digestive health claims increasingly important to consumers. 

    blueberry smoothie topped with fresh blueberriesblueberry smoothie topped with fresh blueberries

    Product Information


    Fossence™ from TATA NQ, the multi-taksing prebiotic fiber for digestive health and wellness.


    Tata NQ’s solar-powered factory manufactures industry-leading, naturally derived and non-GMO prebiotic fibers using a proprietary in-house fermentation process. The products are designed to be formulation friendly and available in both liquid and powder forms. 

    Fossence™ is made from a nature-inspired process of fermenting cane sugar. Not only is it a proven prebiotic fiber, it also has added formulation benefits including:

    • Strong humectatnt properties to trap moistre well and keep food soft from inside; makes food chewable and great for use in cookies, bars, and cakes
    • 100% water soluble easy to use and readily dispersible
    • Shelf life extension through lowered water activity
    • Sugar reduction or replacement with its natural sweetneess; works well in combination with polyols and nautral sweeteners for zero sugar products
    • Great binding agent improces firmness and aids in structure
    • Improved mouthfeel enhances texture and works synergistically with gums to improve viscosity


    FossenceTM has both a low glycemic index and a low caloric value at just 1.6K cal/g, and as a short chain FOS, it has a good digestive tolerance of up to 15gms/day. This flexible fiber can be added to a wide range of foods


    • Baked goods 
    • Protein beverages
    • Gummies and confectionary 
    • Sauces
    • Dietary supplements

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    AMPD ULTRA PC helps to reduce emulsion particle size and enhance rheological properties. It aids in pigment dispersion and improves dispersion stability, making it particularly well-suited for use in mascara and color cosmetics.
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    Products Available


    1 Item

    Product Name Supplier Grade Package Type Weight Billing Price Price (Package)
    FOSSENCE P95, Food Grade, Powder, Bag Tata Chemicals Europe Ltd Food Bag 44.09 lbs --
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    FOSSENCE P95, Food Grade, Powder, Bag


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