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ChemSol Cuidado de la piel y el cabello
Ofrecemos distintas opciones de materias primas para ser utilizadas en la elaboración de sus productos para cuidado personal como: cremas, shampoos, mascarillas, tratamientos, acondicionadores, serúms, rutina de limpieza, formulaciones amigables… con la mejor calidad que nos brindan nuestros reconocidos proveedores. Estas son algunas de nuestras propuestas:
- Siliconas - Elastómeros de Silicona – Emulsificantes – modificadores de sensorial – modificadores reológicos – agentes espesantes – auxiliares de formulación
- Filtros solares – vitaminas – péptidos
- Preservantes - Almidones - Pigmentos de color cosméticos – Materias primas para tintes de cabello
- Emolientes - ceras y resinas de silicona
- Activos naturales – extractos naturales - Aceites Naturales – Hidratantes
- Derivados de Plata - Derivados de Oro
- Perlantes y opacificantes
- Resinas fijadoras y de estilizado – agentes acondicionantes
ChemSol Cuidado de la piel y el cabello
Ofrecemos distintas opciones de materias primas para ser utilizadas en la elaboración de sus productos para cuidado personal como: cremas, shampoos, mascarillas, tratamientos, acondicionadores, serúms, rutina de limpieza, formulaciones amigables… con la mejor calidad que nos brindan nuestros reconocidos proveedores. Estas son algunas de nuestras propuestas:
- Siliconas - Elastómeros de Silicona – Emulsificantes – modificadores de sensorial – modificadores reológicos – agentes espesantes – auxiliares de formulación
- Filtros solares – vitaminas – péptidos
- Preservantes - Almidones - Pigmentos de color cosméticos – Materias primas para tintes de cabello
- Emolientes - ceras y resinas de silicona
- Activos naturales – extractos naturales - Aceites Naturales – Hidratantes
- Derivados de Plata - Derivados de Oro
- Perlantes y opacificantes
- Resinas fijadoras y de estilizado – agentes acondicionantes
Productos para el cuidado de la piel y el cabello
Address: 6986 Wellington Road 124
Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J4
Telephone: 519-763-5441
Email: [email protected]
Value Added Services
Total Chemical Management
Our Total Chemical Management Program includes installation of equipment in compliance with government legislation and worry-free monitoring and delivery.
Specialty Formula/Blends
FloChem offers a spectrum of specialty chemical items designed to enhance performance, and our warehouse gives us the flexibility to manufacture specialty products.
Bulk Freight Distribution
FloChem specializes in safe and reliable bulk liquid chemical delivery.
Custom Packaging
Packaged product is available in a range of container sizes from jugs to polyethylene asset totes. FloChem offers private labelling and custom packaging services.
Value Added Services
Total Chemical Management
Our Total Chemical Management Program includes installation of equipment in compliance with government legislation and worry-free monitoring and delivery.
Specialty Formula/Blends
FloChem offers a spectrum of specialty chemical items designed to enhance performance, and our warehouse gives us the flexibility to manufacture specialty products.
Bulk Freight Distribution
FloChem specializes in safe and reliable bulk liquid chemical delivery.
Custom Packaging
Packaged product is available in a range of container sizes from jugs to polyethylene asset totes. FloChem offers private labelling and custom packaging services.
Beauty & personal care innovations
Address: 6986 Wellington Road 124
Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J4
Telephone: 519-763-5441
Email: [email protected]
Kimya Mühendisi Kazım Kaleağası tarafından Henkel’in Marmara Bölge bayisi olarak kuruldu.
Kale Kimya was founded by Chemical Engineer KazIm Kaleağası as Henkel’s Marmara Region distributor.
1997 - Gümrük Birliği / Customs Union
Türkiye’nin Gümrük Birliğine girmesiyle Kale Kimya dünya çapındaki lider kimya firmalarıyla distribütörlük antlaşmaları yapılmaya başlandı.
Due to Turkey’s entry into the Customs Union, new distribution agreements were made with the worldwide leading chemical companies.
İlk laboratuvarımız kuruldu.
The laboratory facility was launched.
2002 - ISO 9001:2000
Grup şirketleri ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi sertifikasını almaya hak kazandı.
The group of companies are certified by the Quality Mangement System ISO 9001:2015.
2004 - Kale Kimya Grubu / Kale Kimya Group
Tüm şirketler KALE KiMYA GRUBU adı altında Şekerpınar’ da 12.000 m2 alanda toplandı.
The group companies are gathered under the name of KALE KIMYA GROUP at the new headquarter office is located in Sekerpinar with.
2008 - Üretim / Production
Pilot Üretim tesisi kuruldu. Tubitak ve Koskep projeleri başladı.
The pilot plant was established and t projects with Tubitak and Koskep have started.
2015 - Fabri̇ka / Factory
Düzce Sanayi Bölgesinde ki fabrikada üretime başlandı.
The production was launched in the new factory in Duzce Industrial Zone.
2016 - Dubai - Chemea
Ortadoğu pazarı için JAFZA da ofis ve depolama kuruldu.
For MEA market, the oflice and warehouse was established in JAFZA.
2017 - Arge Merkezi̇ / R&D Research Center
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 567. ARGE Merkezi olundu.
Kale Kimya was entitled to be the 567th R&D Center in Turkey.
2020 - Yeni̇ Fabri̇ka / New Factory
GOSB da kapasite arttırımı için yeni yatırım başladı
To increase capacity, new factory investment started at GOSB
2023 - Univar Solutions
Univar Solutions tarafından satın alındı
Acquired by Univar Solutions
Kimya Mühendisi Kazım Kaleağası tarafından Henkel’in Marmara Bölge bayisi olarak kuruldu.
Kale Kimya was founded by Chemical Engineer KazIm Kaleağası as Henkel’s Marmara Region distributor.
1997 - Gümrük Birliği / Customs Union
Türkiye’nin Gümrük Birliğine girmesiyle Kale Kimya dünya çapındaki lider kimya firmalarıyla distribütörlük antlaşmaları yapılmaya başlandı.
Due to Turkey’s entry into the Customs Union, new distribution agreements were made with the worldwide leading chemical companies.
İlk laboratuvarımız kuruldu.
The laboratory facility was launched.
2002 - ISO 9001:2000
Grup şirketleri ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi sertifikasını almaya hak kazandı.
The group of companies are certified by the Quality Mangement System ISO 9001:2015.
2004 - Kale Kimya Grubu / Kale Kimya Group
Tüm şirketler KALE KiMYA GRUBU adı altında Şekerpınar’ da 12.000 m2 alanda toplandı.
The group companies are gathered under the name of KALE KIMYA GROUP at the new headquarter office is located in Sekerpinar with.
2008 - Üretim / Production
Pilot Üretim tesisi kuruldu. Tubitak ve Koskep projeleri başladı.
The pilot plant was established and t projects with Tubitak and Koskep have started.
2015 - Fabri̇ka / Factory
Düzce Sanayi Bölgesinde ki fabrikada üretime başlandı.
The production was launched in the new factory in Duzce Industrial Zone.
2016 - Dubai - Chemea
Ortadoğu pazarı için JAFZA da ofis ve depolama kuruldu.
For MEA market, the oflice and warehouse was established in JAFZA.
2017 - Arge Merkezi̇ / R&D Research Center
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 567. ARGE Merkezi olundu.
Kale Kimya was entitled to be the 567th R&D Center in Turkey.
2020 - Yeni̇ Fabri̇ka / New Factory
GOSB da kapasite arttırımı için yeni yatırım başladı
To increase capacity, new factory investment started at GOSB
2023 - Univar Solutions
Univar Solutions tarafından satın alındı
Acquired by Univar Solutions
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Sustainability in Beauty and personal care
Plant-based, renewable ingredients are the future. Staying true to our commitment to a forward-thinking, ethical, and holistic sustainability journey, we are going beyond traditional distribution to support our efforts to help keep global communities healthy, clean, fed and safe.